


Living in Fulfillment

August 6, 2023 Pastor: Benjamin Rivera

Scripture: Psalm 78:23– :29, Ephesians 4:7, Ephesians 4:12–13

This Sunday, Rev. Benjamin Rivera speaks about the importance of Christians living in fulfillment. It does not mean that you have to have everything together. Life can be a mess, your relationships might end, the tunnel might seem does not come to an end, yet when you live in fulfillment, you will have that peace. Knowing that God has already kept his promised. He fulfilled his promised through Christ Jesus. 

Even before the earth was created, he already fulfilled His promises. His promises stands true for us, now and forever. When we understand that truth, the Holy Spirit comes in and shines through us. The Holy Spirit will equip us to do the word of God. Wherever we go, we'll be able to shine the light of Christ to the people around us. 

Rev. Benjamin Rivera reminded the Leadership of the Church to set an example living in fulfillment. Therefore it will flow from the top to the bottom.