


Church is the Body

November 5, 2023 Pastor: Rev. Ferani Wongkar

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12–31

What does the Church mean to you? 

Is it the building? The organization? The people? 

The word "Church" is taken from a greek word, "Ecclesia"

"Ecclesia", is taken from the two words, "Ecc" coming out from...towards... and "Kaleo" which means to call. Therefore, Ecclesia means a group of people who are being called out and going towards. The questions is, where is this group of people being called out from and where are they going towards to? 

1 Peter 2:9 says "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

Therefore, the Church is a group of people who is being called out from the darkness into the light.  

What is the expectation from the people of the Church of God? 

Church as a body, where Jesus is the head of the Church, should have these three things: 
1. Connection (interconnected with one another, no one matters more than the other. To be connected with one another is what God desires for us.)

2. Unique (everyone is different from one another, therefore we are all given different talents and gifts) 

3. Belonging (We can't do everything by ourselves. That's why we need each other and why each other needs to have a sense of belonging. In Jesus Christ, we belong to each other).